Tuesday, May 5, 2009


The filem Simone was a funny and interesting film. I liked it a lot because it was about how a film maker wanted the perfect actress. His "friend" created this virtual person and the film maker is giving the hard drive that contains the information about this crazy but cool program. So he saves his film by digitaly placing Simone which means Sim-one "simulation one" into his film. the film does really well and he continuews to make more films with her in it. Now no one knows that she in not real but only the film maker. Any how the film maker get tired of Simone taking the spot light and beigns to think of ways to make her career Lol, go down the toilet. but no matter what he does to trash simone's career the fans still like what Simone does. so he begins to go kind of crazy and trys to say Simone died but that back fired and people thought he killed her and it a battle of trying to get them to believe that she was never really real she was a fake all along. This movie I liked it because it showed how hollywood craves for that one star that does great performances and is actrated by the fans and can make hollywood a lot of money. The film showed the faks side of hollywood because if you make them a lot of money then they love you but if you like the film maker and you tank and make them lose money then they hate you and want to firer you and not want to deal with you at all. Which is sad that they seem shallow like that. But as for the film I'd watch it again. It really was funny with the jokes the had and how the poeple would dp anything to get a glimps of Simone.