Tuesday, May 5, 2009


The filem Simone was a funny and interesting film. I liked it a lot because it was about how a film maker wanted the perfect actress. His "friend" created this virtual person and the film maker is giving the hard drive that contains the information about this crazy but cool program. So he saves his film by digitaly placing Simone which means Sim-one "simulation one" into his film. the film does really well and he continuews to make more films with her in it. Now no one knows that she in not real but only the film maker. Any how the film maker get tired of Simone taking the spot light and beigns to think of ways to make her career Lol, go down the toilet. but no matter what he does to trash simone's career the fans still like what Simone does. so he begins to go kind of crazy and trys to say Simone died but that back fired and people thought he killed her and it a battle of trying to get them to believe that she was never really real she was a fake all along. This movie I liked it because it showed how hollywood craves for that one star that does great performances and is actrated by the fans and can make hollywood a lot of money. The film showed the faks side of hollywood because if you make them a lot of money then they love you but if you like the film maker and you tank and make them lose money then they hate you and want to firer you and not want to deal with you at all. Which is sad that they seem shallow like that. But as for the film I'd watch it again. It really was funny with the jokes the had and how the poeple would dp anything to get a glimps of Simone.


I think I'm going to do my research project on spanish women and leading roles but I'm not sure if im going to do it as a power point or a website. I'm most likely going to do a power point because I don'tknow how to do a website at all what so ever. The other hard part is I don't know where to start at. boy oh boy this is going to be a hard think for me to do besides presenting it to the class which is the biggest haredest part for me to ever do in my life Lol; But I'll get it done one wy or another. It will be done!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Open your Eyes and the Matrix

Well in the movie "Open your Eyes" a young man who’s a well know player! Why I say he's a player because in the movie him and his friend are talking in the car about how he slept with the same girl twice and how she must be good in bed if the slept with her twice because he NEVER EVER sleeps with the same girl twice. The only relation I feel this movie has to the matrix is that it goes in and out of reality. It's all about the mind and how it is and isn't plays tricks on you. It's about what's real and what isn't real. In the movie open your eyes the main character is in a metal hospital because he killed someone. In the matrix Neo didn’t kill anyone he knows he just killed the evil guys wearing the suits. Both movies took place in places that weren’t real. In open your eyes it was all in the guy’s head he was put into a deep sleep and his mind was having bad dreams that he thought were real and seemed real to him. He was going insane while he was under a deep sleep. In the Matrix Neo was going in and out of the Matrix trying fight for the truth to come out and make others understand that the Matrix isn’t real it’s just an illusion that makes you believe it is real. I didn’t really like the movie “Open your Eyes” because I felt it only connected with the Matrix on the one little level. It was an ok movie to watch but I think there are other movies that relate better to the Matrix and have similar concepts. I do hope that the other movies we watch are a little better at relating with the Matrix.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

media 103 project

I'm not really sure if I want to write, film or power point but I do kind of have some idea that my project will be on.
• Roles of African Americans and Hispanic in Movies.
• The costumes in films (I.e. fabrics, measurements, Make up)
• Maybe the special effects.
I’m not really sure if I’m defiantly going to do these topics but I guess I can start with these ideas. Hopefully I can make my decision soon.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Star Trek, Farscape and the Matrix

Star Trek: The Next Generation was an interesting Sci Fi shows I never seen the show when I was younger but the show seemed to be kind of cool. Star Trek the episode "The Royale" Riker, Worf, and Data get sent to some planet because there was some strange signal or strange objects on it. The men get ship down to this planet with greenish mist above their head and there is a turning door. Inside the turning doors is a casino/hotel. Riker, Worf and Data talk to the manager and his responses are like as if he was in a soap opera. Some of the people in the casino/hotel also speak in a dramatic tone. Well the men try and try to find various ways to exit the Royale, but works any how the men gamble their way out of the casino and return to the starshipenterprize. I like the show but as for me watching it all the time I wouldn't it's not really my type of sci fi show. I would watch the Royale again because I like that one episode.

Farscape: “The human reaction” this episode John Crichton is in some warped illusion and in this illusion he sees a warm hole and takes a ship and leaves Moya and goes into the warm hole to get back to earth. As soon as he arrives at earth he gets held captive by his old friends Wilson and Cobb. They perfume many tests on john because he doesn’t have human microbes in his brain. Finally Crichton is finally released and he has a little heart to heart with his dad. Later on John’s friends Rygel, D'Argo and Aeryn arrive on earth from being sucked into the same warm hole as John. Rygel, D'Argo and Aeryn are held captive by Wilson and Cobb. Rygel John’s friend felt ill and was sent to the infirmary and was later discovered dead and dissected by John, the others are informed by john and are upset by the news. Later on D'Argo is ship to a different research center Aeryn refuses to held captive any longer. So she and john plan to escape and stay at his father empty apartment. John’s father warns the two to flee and in the streets john starts to see that he knows everyone one around him and all the magazines are seven months old. So he ends up at an old pool hall he use to go to and knocks down the women bathroom door and it’s a yellowish plasma looking wall and he heads back to the center and see his so called “father” sitting in the center . John is told that he is in an illusion that was created from his memory to receive a human reaction to tell whether these aliens can co exist with humans.

These two show connect with the movie the Matrix because the all are Sci Fi based and is illusion vs. reality. Star Trek and the Matrix use a lot of computer technology. They rely on the computers a lot it’s their main source of communication. In Star Trek it is also used to teleport people from one place to another. In all three shows they use the trapped concept like in the Matrix what was a door to a room with the phone to teleport them to the “real” world turned to a brick wall and in Star Trek it was the turning door that didn’t let them leave the Royale and in Farscape it was the yellow plasma wall. They all have the need to escape the place they are at now. Star Trek and the Matrix also have the women in really tight clothing to the point were you can see the full figure shape of the women’s curvy body. The fabric of the clothing is different in Star Trek it looks more spongy looking more like surf suites with reddish and yellowish colors. In Farscape they wear cloth like clothing and John wears jeans and t- shirts. In the Matrix it’s all leather long jackets and everything is all black. Out all three shows I personally like the one Star Trek episode and the Matrix movie. Farscape is a little to dramatic for me. But hey everyone has their own likes and dislikes.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Matrix

The Matrix is about how humans living in the “real world” and are blinded by technology that’s they can’t see that the world they think they live is just a figment of there imagination because in the world that they really live in they are controlled and used by the very technology they created. It’s about finding the truth and making sure that the truth becomes known to others. We kind of do live in the matrix because I see that technology is becoming more and more advance and the people of day seem to use it more then ever before.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

About Me!

Well my name is Maria Zeleina Roman. Yes I know it is a very Spanish name. I am one out of a total of six girls no brothers. I’m from Brooklyn, raised there all my life and I love it. I love fine art. I was an art major in high school. I love music. I listen to all types of music, if i like the beat then chances are i'm going to like it. I also love drawing, painting, taking pictures, relaxing with friends and just spending time with my boyfriend. Right now I’m majoring in Liberal Arts because I’m not sure what I really want to do I’m in between becoming a pre-school teacher or a forensic psychologist.